Chess: Introducing Alexander Alekhine

Alexander Alekhine BBC Interview 1938

Alexander Alekhine was one of the most glorious and tragic of the world’s great Chess Champions. This segment covers his birth in Moscow, 1892 until the eve of his World Championship match with the legendary Jose Raul Capablanca in Buenos Aires, 1927

This segment covers the Alekhine-Capablanca championship match in 1927, the Alekhine-Bologjubow championship in 1929, and Alekhine’s remarkable string of four major tournament victories starting with San Remo, in which he achieved an unprecedented performance rating of 2812.

Here are great games I have enjoyed studying:

Two of the greatest chess players of all time clash in this game. Lasker’s understanding of defence and tactics finally wins the day, but not until Alekhine makes excellent opening and middle game work.

Jose R. Capablanca plays against Alexander Alekhine.

Siegbert Tarrasch vs Alexander Alekhine , Baden Baden (03) 1925

A great game by Alekhine where he achieves a zugzwang position with an almost full board of pieces.

About benvitalis

math grad - Interest: Number theory
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